Number 4 Numerology

Number 4 Numerology

Your Psyche or Nature Number is 4, if you are born on 4,13,22,31 dates of any month.

Your Personality and Traits

You are strongly built and practical in outlook. You have a distinct character of your own. You are the advocate of under dogs; you appear to view everything from the opposite point of view, keeping aside all conventions and norms. Although you do not mean to be quarrelsome, your nature attracts opposition, resentment and enemies.

The influences of your ruling planet gives you sudden changes, constant ups and downs, which may make you, develop an indecisive nature and seek and act on the advice of others throughout your life. You are a sort of extremist, you are either at the top or bottom, and there is nothing mediocre about you. You flourish on conspiracy and you are anti-establishment. You are not materialistic; accumulation of wealth is your least priority. You are a reliable and patient friend. By your unconventional methods and freethinking nature, you may introduce great reforms that help the needy and downtrodden and the environment.

You have to struggle a lot in your life and face many changes, but due to sheer grit and hard work you achieve success and recognition in the later part of life. On the flip side you are stubborn, selfish and rebellious in nature. You are prone to create misunderstanding, make false promises and mostly unsuccessful in matters of love though you have excellent sex drive. If you are lady, you are deeply affectionate, gentle, responsible and responsive in nature towards your spouse and his associates.

Special Notes

For those born on 4th:

You are highly original in thoughts and ideas. You prosper in adversity and in foreign lands. You are liberated from environment and society. You dislike hypocrisy and love art and music.

For those born on 13th:

In Indian and Hebron perception, 13 is a lucky number. You are alert, dependable and practical. You go to the depth of matters and may be very successful in scientific and occult matters. You rise to position of high level of responsibility and become wealthy. Outwardly you are mild but actually you are stubborn inside. Your success in career usually starts after your 31st year.

For those born on 22nd:

The number 22 is one of the Master Numbers of Numerology. You are specialists. You are practical, systematic and efficient. You are mystic in nature and may become very obstinate. Your family members or partners may not support you, though you may benefit from members of opposite sex. Your domestic and marital life is often disturbed. You may become very successful in politics or business if your partner supports you.

For those born on 31th:

You are austere, ambitious and proud. You try to take honorable occupation like working in or heading charitable institutions for deaf and dumb or the physically disadvantaged. You have a strong will power, love to travel and a strong attraction for Members opposite sex. You usually succeed after your 40th year.

Interaction of number 4 with other numbers

When your date of birth is 4,13,22,31 you are under influence of number 4 in numerology.

You are strongly built and practical in outlook. You have a distinct character of your own. You are the advocate of under dogs; you appear to view everything from the opposite point of view, keeping aside all conventions and norms. Although you do not mean to be quarrelsome, your nature attracts opposition, resentment and enemies.

The influences of your ruling planet gives you sudden changes, constant ups and downs, which may make you, develop an indecisive nature and seek and act on the advice of others throughout your life. You are a sort of extremist, you are either at the top or bottom, and there is nothing mediocre about you. You flourish on conspiracy and you are anti-establishment. You are not materialistic; accumulation of wealth is your least priority. You are a reliable and patient friend. By your unconventional methods and freethinking nature, you may introduce great reforms that help the needy and downtrodden and the environment.

Your Ruling Planet

Rahu (Moon’s north node) is the ruling planet of Number 4. Rahu and Ketu (Moon’s South Node) reflect the basic bipolar nature of man. These do not exist but represent the points where the plane of Moon’s orbit around earth intersects with the plane of the ecliptic of the zodiac constellations. (According to some Uranus is the ruling planet). Rahu is an active and disruptive force that acts mainly on mental level.

Normally Rahu is a malefic planet-dynamic in nature, low in vibration, hedonistic and perpetually dissatisfied. It brings confusion, ignorance, phobias and makes people have big plans which takes long time and is hard to accomplish. It makes people work hard and perform bad karmas. Favorable Rahu gives talent for editing, painting, writing and brings fame and success. Such a Rahu makes a person bold, intelligent and secretive. It also makes people travel abroad.

Unfavorable Rahu destroys power of discrimination and sensitivity. It makes one egoistic, selfish, and pessimistic. Rahu rules the zodiac sign Virgo that is also ruled by Mercury. It is exalted in Taurus (according to some in Gemini). Its sign of fall is Scorpio (according to some, in Sagittarius) Friendly signs are Gemini and Pisces; enemy signs are Cancer, Leo and Taurus.

Your Favorable Days, Dates, Periods, Year

Best Days:Sunday. In addition Saturday and Monday are favorable.
Good Days:4, 13, 22, 31
Strong Periods:March 21th to April 28th, 21st June to 20th July, 21st July to August 20th
Weak Periods:October, November and December
Good years in life:4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 48, 49, 58, 67, 76 and 85. The years 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71 and 80 are also good.

Your Compatibility with other Psyche/Nature Numbers

Friendship1, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Business3, 4 and 6
Romance1 best, 4 and 6
Marriage1, 4 and 6
Best Suited ProfessionPlanners, Politicians, Lawyers and Technicians
Karmic LessonSatisfaction
TendencyAtheist, Materialistic, and Nihilist

Special Guidelines

Favorable ColorsHalf shades and half tones: Electric Blue, Khaki, and Grey
GemsHessonite, Light or dark sapphire
MeditationOn Lord Ganesha For others on the flame of an earthen lamp filled with butter oil.
To be repeated 210 times daily during the period new moon (bright half of moon) or whenever faced with obstacles.
HealthYou are prone to cold, cough or infectious diseases; you may also develop high blood pressure, heart troubles, incurable diseases which cannot be diagnosed.
Food HabitsYou should use plenty of oregano and fenugreek seeds in your food. You should also have carrot juice, beet juice and fruit juices regularly. Leafy vegetables, sprouts and herbal teas also help.

Your friendship, professional, romantic and matrimonial relations with people having other nature numbers is as follows

Partner’s numberFriendshipProfessionalRomanticMarriage
1Good for friendship.Business relationship is of ordinary level.Romantic relationship blossoms.Compatible and mutually beneficial marital relationship.
2Not good for friendship.Not good for business relationship.No romance in air.Not compatible in marriage.
3Friendship benefits number 4.Business relationship is beneficial.Not a fiery romantic relationship.For marital tie, relationship is nothing to write home about.
4Friendship is good but makes prone to laziness.Business relationship is compatible.Romantic relationship may blossom.Compatible in marital relationship.
5Good for temporary friendship.Business relationship is not mutually beneficial.No romantic vibe.Not good for marital relationship.
6Friendly but not in the long run.Compatible in business but not beneficial.Romantic sparks in fits and starts.Compatible but not very beneficial in the long run.
7Friendly to each other.Beneficial business relationship if number 4 is working partner.Romantic relationship is drab.Marital relationship is good for number 4 only.
8Friendly to some extent.Business relationship is average.Romantic relationship possible.Not ideal for marital relationship.
9Friendly to some extent.Business relationship is average.Romantic relationship possible.Not ideal for marital relationship.

Predictions for birth number 1 and fadic or destiny number 4

Method to calculate birth number and fadic number: 

If you are born on dates 1,10,19,28 of any month, then your birth number is 1.
The single number remaining after adding up numbers in date, is taken.

How to find your fadic or destiny number: if you are born on 13th june 1983, 1+3+6+1+9+8+3 = 31
3+1 = 4

so your fadic or destiny number is 4.

So, if both your birth number is 1 and fadic or destiny number is 4, then you are completely under the influence of SUN and RAHU (Few term it as URANUS).

Your Characteristics: They are tall, plump and majestic and have wavy hair. They are all-rounder and have knowledge of everything. Though interested in sex-matters, they will not seek immoral pleasures.

They have the ambition to reform the world by their speeches and writings. They will express their thoughts boldly and frankly. They cannot keep quiet in the middle of conversation, but will interfere with their comments. They do not easily believe what others say. They will make enquiries and discuss the matter with concerned persons. Only when they are satisfied in their minds, they will agree with anything. They wish to lead an honest life.

They hate sham and pretence. They are nice to their friends and so their friends will stick to them. If they do not like anybody, they will not cause any harm to him but avoid his company. Being highly intelligent, they will show special interest in stories, scriptures, religion, astrology, etc. They will always be collecting useful information. Even while in a job, they will try to run some business. They are good orators. Some may shine in politics with their power of oratory.

Their mind is never at rest. They will always be thinking about something. For the sake of others, they may get entangled in certain problems and suffer consequently. By God’s grace they will escape from every kind of danger. They are popular and honest in money matters and their leadership will acknowledge by many. However, it is important that they should not be carried away by flattery.

A large number of these people are found in salaried jobs as well as in independent business. Therefore, this number is a good one. In spite of all this, if they do not move ahead in life then the reason may be that they do not have suitable names. It will be necessary for them to modify their names as follows:

Naming Method: These persons are born under the influence of the Sun and Uranus. They may change their names to numbers of Venus or the Sun. The numbers of the Sun are: 19, 37, 46, 64, 82, etc. The Venus numbers are: 15, 24, 38, 42, 60, and 69 etc. They may use these numbers while fixing the names of their business firms also. It will bring luck to them.

Profession: People of these numbers will earn money from public speaking and writing. They also have the luck to make money from industries connected with steel, metals, fire and from furniture, medical and transport business.

Diseases: These people are prone to all diseases associated with heat. They are likely to suffer from piles, blood pressure and gas trouble. So they must take steps in advance to prevent them. One method of reducing their effect is to change one’s name to suit favorable numbers.

Numerology Tips:

Lucky numbers: 1, 6.

Lucky dates: 1, 6, 10, 15, 19, 24, 28

Lucky stones: Yellow sapphire, Golden topaz, Light blue sapphire.

Lucky colors: Yellow, Light blue.

Unsuitable dates: 8, 17 and 26

Unsuitable colors: Black, Coffee color, Red.

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