Share: Table of Contents ToggleHanuman Mantra For KaryaSiddhiRelated posts:Gupt Navratri Mein in 6 Mantra se Siddh PaayeDaily Hindu Prayers7 Powerful Benefits of Mantras on Vasant PanchamiMaa Dhumavathi MahavidyaMaa Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya16 Names of GaneshaBenefits of Chanting MantraMaa Shodashi MahavidyaGayatri Mantra With MeaningMaa Tripura bhairavi Mahavidya Hanuman Mantra For KaryaSiddhi Ghosts, devils and spirits never trouble a person who regularly recites the Hanuman Mantra. Hanuman Mantra recitation infuses one with unlimited energy and prana. Hanuman Mantra also helps in overcoming the malefic effects of the Saturn and reduces the effects of Sade Sati. Hanuman Mantra recitation also helps small children to get rid of scary and fearful thoughts. Mantra Recite this Hanuman Mantra for getting physical strength, stamina and power. ॐ हनुमते नमः | Om Hanumate Namah | One can use Lal chandan ki mala or Lal munga ki mala as jap mala. Devotess pray with Lal vastra, Lal aasan, Lal phal, Lal phul flowers while reciting this mantra. It is believed that reciting this mantra for 11,000 or 21,000 or 31,000 times gives best reulsts for Karyasiddhi, Energy and Spiritual Power. Amrit Sidhhi, Yog Sidh muhurt is the best time to chant this mantra. Lord Hanuman is considered as embodiment of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. Lord Hanuman represents Consciousness -highly evolved prana or life energy. Lord Hanuman is very simple and compassionate; yet he is also very powerful and courageous. He never hesitates to bestow the quickest and the most abundant benefits to his devotee. Lord Hanuman makes one brave and fearless. Regular chanting of Hanuman Mantra increases a person’s resilience and he emerges victorious in every challenging situation. Hanuman mantra helps to overcome the difficulties or problems one might encounter in getting a wish fulfilled. Repeated Japa of Hanuman Mantra is believed to dispel ghosts and spirits and ward off maladies such as fever and epilepsy. Hanuman Mantra is also used for attaining physical strength, stamina and power. Hanuman Mantra helps to quickly solve the problems of life such as problems in married life, debt problems, mental disturbances and agony etc. Hanuman Mantar Japa blesses one with the qualities of courage and confidence, thwarts the efforts of one’s enemies and ensures success, strengthens the immune system and blesses one with a long life. By chanting the Hanuman Mantra daily, one becomes active and energetic and doesn’t experience laziness in doing any work. There are numerous temples of Hanuman built everywhere because it is believed that a great warrior like him protects the surrounding areas from demons, evils, darkness and despair. A lot of prayers, hymns, shlokas and mantras are dedicated to Pawan-putra Hanuman. Some of the significant ones are Hanuman Chalisa, Bajranga Baan, Maruti Strotam, Hanumansahasranam strota, Hanuman Bahuk and so on. …. …. Related posts:Maa Dhumavathi MahavidyaMaa Kamala MahavidyaGayatri Mantra With MeaningNavagraha Dosha MantraBenefits of Chanting Mantra8 Benefits of Reading Bhagavad GitaShami VrikshMaa Chhinnamasta MahavidyaMaa Kali MahavidyaMaa Bagalamukhi Mahavidya 2020-12-06